15 October World Hand Washing Day

Hand washing is an important and effective way to prevent the spread of infections. Hand hygiene reduces the spread of intestinal infections by 31% and the transmission of respiratory infections by 21%. Infection is often transmitted by accident, by touching another person. We are constantly touching something with our hands. By touching contaminated objects or surfaces, and then touching the face (mouth, eyes and nose), we transfer microorganisms invisible to the eye, putting ourselves at risk of infection. Hand hygiene will help to avoid the spread of infections such as SARS, influenza, norovirus infection, staphylococcal infection, hepatitis A, giardiasis, dysentery, helminth diseases and other infections.

How Should You Wash Your Hands?

Washing your hands correctly means using soap, rubbing your hands with soap and water for a certain time (at least 20 seconds), and rinsing them under running water.

Wearing gloves is not a substitute for washing your hands.

Let’s do it properly

Remove all rings, watches, or other jewelry,

Wet your hands thoroughly,

Take soap (1-3 ml) and lather very well for at least 20 seconds - make sure you wash between your fingers, under your fingernails, the backs of your hands, palms, wrists,

Rinse thoroughly under clean running water,

Dry your hands with a clean towel (paper, cloth) or use a hand dryer,

Cover the taps with a paper towel (so you don't get your hands dirty again),

Protect your hands from touching dirty surfaces when leaving the bathroom. For example, use the same paper towel to open the door.

When Should You Wash Your Hands?

After returning home

After using the toilet (including changing diapers or caring for a bedridden patient).

After blowing your nose or sneezing

Before and after cooking, before eating

After touching raw meat, poultry or fish

After contact with debris, rubbish bins, or contact with contaminated surfaces

After visiting or caring for sick people

Before taking medications

Before and after self-repairing a cut or wound

Before installing and removing contact lenses

After contact and care of pets.

Washing your hands without soap is ineffective. It is important to use soap and wash your hands for at least 20 seconds. By following these simple rules, we can protect ourselves and the people around us from diseases. Let's not forget the importance of hand washing, especially in this period when we are fighting the pandemic.